Inkspiration Stories

{March 11, 2011}   Star Tattoo Represents Balance

Semaj Lytle

Freshman Psychology major Semaj Lytle got his first tattoo last Tuesday from his cousin Antonio Sanchez, who works at Spanky’s in Camden. The tattoo is a star with Semaj’s Zodiac sign, Pisces, in the middle of it. Semaj decided he wanted the tattoo after seeing someone else with the same star, but a different Zodiac sign.

Semaj got the star on his back. He said, “I just wanted to draw attention to my back in the summer. It’s in the middle of my back to represent balance. I love it. It represents me personally.”

He plans on adding more to his tattoo. Semaj said, “Originally I just wanted the star, but as I was walking out I saw the tattoo with wings and said I’m coming back for those wings.”

Semaj's Tattoo

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